source documentation


cli focuses on the command line tool aspect using click

class clichain.cli.Cli(name=None, invoke_without_command=False, no_args_is_help=None, subcommand_metavar=None, chain=False, result_callback=None, **attrs)

Implements root command using click.MultiCommand

See also


Cli provides implementation for the root command by extending click.MultiCommand (Then the click command is created specifying Cli as “cls” parameter in the click.command decorator.

See also

app, Tasks

get_command(ctx, name)

Given a context and a command name, this returns a Command object if it exists or returns None.


Returns a list of subcommand names in the order they should appear.

class clichain.cli.Tasks(commands=None)

Defines a factory to register tasks types.

Tasks provides a factory to register and hold implemented tasks so they get available to the user.

Tasks are implemented by coroutines.

The command line interface is implemented using click. In order to make a task usable from the command line interface, you need to define a click command (for most cases using click.command decorator). example:

@click.option('--approximate', '-a',
              help='compute with approximation')
def my_compute_task(approximate, x):
    " the task doc that will appear as help "
    # process inputs parameters and options...

See also

click for details on how to implements commands

The command is expected to return a coroutine function such as clichain.pipeline.coroutine, see clichain.pipeline.create for details.

full example:

from clichain import pipeline, cli
import ast

# creates the factory here but should be
# common to all task types...
tasks = cli.Tasks()

def divide(ctrl, den):
    print(f'{} is starting')

    with ctrl as push:
        while True:
            value = yield
            push(value / den)

    print(f'{} has finished with no error')

# the task will be made available as 'compute' in the
# command line interface

@click.option('--approximate', '-a',
              help='compute with approximation')
def compute_task_cli(approximate, den):
    " the task doc that will appear as help "
    if den == 0:
        raise click.BadParameter("can't devide by 0")
    if approximate:
        den = round(den)
    return devide(den)

def parse(ctrl):
    _parse = ast.literal_eval
    with ctrl as push:
        while True:
            except (SyntaxError, ValueError):

def parse_cli():
    " performs literal_eval on data "
    return parse()

See also



wraps and register a click.command object into the factory

Tasks object is intended to be used as a decorator:

tasks = cli.Tasks()

# register 'compute' command into 'tasks'

The command is expected to return a coroutine function such as clichain.pipeline.coroutine, see clichain.pipeline.create for details.


a log message will be emitted to indicate this task is created every time the command is called


initializes new factory with commands

commands is a dict containing all registered commands, and will be set to a new empty dict if None.

context is the current click context, it’s set to None until the main command is called (see app), which will set context to the current context value.


wraps the click.command callback function and replace it

the wrapper function will:

  • log a ‘create’ message (using

  • use the callback function result to create the next coroutine in the pipeline. The coroutine function created by the callback function is stored in the current click context. A stack is used to process pipeline’s branches.

    See also

    clichain.pipeline for details on how the pipeline is specified

The wrapper function does not return anything

See also

this method is called by Tasks.__call__

clichain.cli._get_obj(tasks, args, kwargs)

get obj parameter for click context

The created obj is a dict, it’s used internally when processing commands.

  • tasks is the Tasks factory to use (containing user commands)
  • optional args and kwargs will be send to the click context (in context.obj[‘args’] and context.obj[‘kwargs’]), they will not be used by the framework.

This function is used by app and test., *args, **kw)

run click main command: this will start the CLI tool.

See also


tasks is the Tasks factory to use (containing user commands)

extra args and kwargs are added to the click context’s obj (a dict) as ‘args’ and ‘kwargs’, they’re not used by the framework.

app uses Cli which extends click.MultiCommand to create the main command as a multicommand interface. This main command holds all the user defined commands and is the main entry point of the created tool.

The pipeline itself is created and run by the process function, which is called when the main command itself returns, i.e when the all the input args have been processed by click.

See also

Tasks, process

See also

the main command itself only set up logging, see also usage

clichain.cli.process(obj, rv, logfile, verbose)

callback of the main command, called by click

process creates the pipeline (using clichain.pipeline.create ), then run it with inputs from stdin and sending outputs to stdout (getting stdin and stdout from click.get_text_stream).

if an exception occures then log the exception and raise click.Abort.

clichain.cli.test(tasks, clargs, args=None, kwargs=None, **kw)

run the CLI using click.testing, intended for automated tests

See also


The main command is then run with click.testing.CliRunner

this is roughly equivalent to:

>>> runner = click.testing.CliRunner()
>>> obj = cli._get_obj(tasks, args, kwargs)
>>> result = runner.invoke(cli._app, clargs, obj=obj, **kw)
  • tasks is the Tasks factory to use (containing user commands)

  • clargs is a list containing the command line arguments, i.e what the user would send in interactive mode.

  • optional args and kwargs will be sent to the click context (in context.obj[‘args’] and context.obj[‘kwargs’]), they will not be used by the framework.

  • extra kw will be forwarded to click.testing.CliRunner.invoke, for example:

    input=[1,2,3], catch_exceptions=False

creates a click.testing.CliRunner to invoke the main command and returns runner.invoke result.

See also



create a pipeline of tasks, read text data from the standard input and send results to the standard output:

stdin(text) --> tasks... --> stdout(text)

The overall principle is to run a data stream processor by chaining different kinds of tasks (available tasks depending on the implementation, see list below).

you can create a single branch pipeline as a sequence of tasks, for instance:

inp >>> A -> B -> C >>> out

or you can create a more complex pipeline defining multiple branches, for instance:

           +--> B --> C --+
inp >>> A--|              +--> F >>> out
           +--> D --> E --+

tasks are implemented by coroutines functions as described by David Beazle (see for details).

  • Specifying pipeline workflow:

    basic syntax allows you to specify the worflow of the pipeline.

    A single sequence of tasks as the following:

    inp >>> A -> B -> C >>> out

    is specified as:

    A B C


    plus parameters and options of the tasks themselves, i.e:

    A -x -y arg1 B -z ...

    Creating branches requires ‘workflow commands’, for instance the following example:

               +--> B --> C --+
    inp >>> A--|              +--> F >>> out
               +--> D --> E --+

    would be specified as:

    A [ B C , D E ] F

    the same way we can define sub branches, for instance:

                        +--> C1 --+
               +--> B --|         +-----+
               |        +--> C2 --+     |
    inp >>> A--|                        +--> F >>> out
               +--> D --> E ------------+

    would be specified as:

    A [ B [ C1 , C2 ] , D E ] F
  • Execution order:

    When parallel branches are defined (as ‘C1’ and ‘C2’ in the previous example) they are processed in the same order as they are defined in the command line arguments, that means in this example:

    A [ B [ C1 , C2 ] , D E ] F

    If the input data is:


    Then the workflow will be such as:

    # data will go through C1 then C2
    1 -> A -> B -> C1 -> F
    1 -> A -> B -> C2 -> F
    2 -> A -> B -> C1 -> F
    2 -> A -> B -> C2 -> F

    And the order is reproducible

  • Attaching a name to branches or tasks:

    You can attach a name to coroutines when defining the pipeline, which will be used as a suffix to get the logger if an exception occurs in the coroutne, i.e:



    This is useful in particular if you’re using the same task type in several branches. The name could be used as well in the coroutine, depending on its implementation (see clichain.pipeline.create for more details).


               +--> B --> C --+
    inp >>> A--|              +--> B >>> out
               +--> B --> D --+

    you could specify the name of the branches (i.e all the coroutines of those branches) with:

    A [ { 'b1' B C } , { 'b2' B D } ] { 'b3' B )


    the name specification is valid for every coroutine whose definition starts within the parenthesis, for example:

    A { 'b1' [ B C , B D ] } B

    is equivalent to:

    A [ { 'b1' B C , B D } ] B

    which is also equivalent to:

    A [ { 'b1' B C , B D ] } B

    which is equivalent to:

    A [ { 'b1' B C } , { 'b1' B D } ] B

    note the output ‘B’ coroutine will have no name

    And using the following specification:

    A [ { 'b1' B } C , { 'b2' B } D ] B

    will only give ‘b1’ and ‘b2’ names to the ‘B’ coroutines (and not to the ‘C’ and ‘D’ coroutines as in the previous example).

    Then note the following:

    A { 'b1' [ B C , { 'b2' B } D ] } B

    is equivalent to:

    A [ { 'b1' B C } , { 'b2' B } { 'b1' D } ] B

    Then note that the following:

    A [ { 'b1' } B , { 'b2' } B ] B

    will have no effect at all.


pipeline module provides tools to create a pipeline of tasks

a pipeline can be composed of one or several branches, but everything runs in a single thread. The initial goal of this framework is to provide a simple and direct way of defining task types and reuse them in different pipeline configurations.

The motivation is not to parallelise tasks yet tasks could be parallelized in some configurations, depending on the exact use case and the context…

tasks are implemented by coroutines functions as described by David Beazle (see for details).

This module is used by clichain.cli module.

class clichain.pipeline.Context(logger=<Logger clichain.pipeline (WARNING)>, obj=None)

will be passed to all `coroutine`s in the pipeline

Context object is a common object shared by all coroutines in the pipeline.


  • exceptions is a list which remains empty until an exception occurs within a task and is handled by the module. Then exception contains each exception caught by the module. Each exception is logged only one time with its traceback when it’s caught by Control context manager.


    if an exception is caught by the module it will be “re-raised” thus terminate the process but user code could still raise another exception(s) for example if a coroutine is not implemented using task or GeneratorExit is handled within the user loop…

  • logger will be used for every message logged by the module, and can be used by the user. The default is to use the module’s logger.

  • obj attribute is an arbitrary object provided by the user when creating the pipeline. The default is None.

See also


__init__(logger=<Logger clichain.pipeline (WARNING)>, obj=None)

init the Context which will be shared by coroutines

class clichain.pipeline.Control(context, name, targets)

Internal, ‘control’ obj received by task decorated functions

Control is a context manager

See also



return push function

__exit__(tpe, value, tb)

handle GeneratorExit exception and log unhandled exceptions

Control object is created by task decorator, the decorated function gets the Control object as first arg, and is expected to use it as a context manager, which will handle GeneratorExit and log any unhandled exception.

context attribute (Context object) will be used if the exception is not None or GeneratorExit, in order to:

  • determine if the exception traceback should be logged, if the exception has already been logged by another Control object (i.e in another coroutine), then only an error message will be logged, otherwise the full exception will be recorded.
  • get the base logger to use
__init__(context, name, targets)

initialize new Control object

  • context is a Context object, Control object will use it to log exception if an exception occurs in the coroutine while used as a context manager. The Context object is also accessible through the context attribute.

  • name will be accessible as name attribute (rw)


    logger = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.{}')
  • targets will be accessible through targets property (ro)

    See also


targets is read only to ensure consistency with push function returned by Control.__enter__: Control object is expected to be used as a context manager:

with ctrl as push:
    while True:
        data = yield
        push(data)  # send data to next coroutines

a push function is defined and returned when Control is used as a context manager, but can actually be created using Control.push property.

the purpose is to force using an efficient solution avoiding attributes lookup (using self) for every call, which has an impact given this function is likely to be called a lot (usually for each processed item). This way we define the function and reference it once in the user function (as ‘push’ in the example).

See also

task decorator


return a ‘push’ function sending data to next coroutines

See also



next coroutines in the pipeline

class clichain.pipeline.Pipeline(targets)

User interface returned by create function

Pipeline object contains the `coroutine`s of a pipeline.

When used as a context manager, it ensures that coroutines will be closed immediately at the end of the process.

Pipeline also has an additional method which can be called to run the pipeline over an input stream and wait until the process complete.


return a function sending data thtough the pipeline


with pipeline as process:
    for data in stream:


this is equivalent to:

with pipeline:
    target =
    for data in stream:
__exit__(tpe, value, tb)

close all the coroutines of the pipeline, raise exc if any

The purpose of using the Pipeline object as a context manager is essentially to make sure all the coroutines will be terminated (closed) at the end of the process.

This can be critical if user functions are expected to do some teardown jobs after processing data, for instance:

# file won't be closed until the coroutine is closed
# (see while loop...)

def cr(targets, *args, file, **kw):
    with open(file) as f:
        while True:
            data = yield

initialize a new pipeline with `coroutine`s

targets is an iterable containing the coroutines of the pipeline, the first item must be the input coroutine.

See also


run the pipeline over inputs iterator

send data from inputs to the pipeline until their is no more data in inputs or an exception occurs.


makes sure obj is a list


coroutine decorator, ‘prime’ the coroutine function

this function is intended to be used as a decorator to create a basic coroutine function, for instance:

def cr(*args, **kw):
        while True:
            item = yield
            print(f'processing: {item}')
    except GeneratorExit:

calling the decorated function will automatically get it to the first yield statement.

>>> cr()


the decorated function is wrapped using functools.wraps

clichain.pipeline.create(tasks, output=<built-in function print>, **kw)

create a pipeline of coroutines from a specification

a pipeline is a succession of coroutines organized into one or several branches.

output is a strategy to use for the pipeline output, the default strategy is print. output will be called for each data reaching the pipeline’s output, it takes a single argument.

extra keyword args will be used to initialize the Context object that will be send to all the coroutines of the pipeline.

tasks argument describes the pipeline and consists of a mapping of coroutines as key: value pairs, where each single key identifies a single coroutine.

each coroutine is defined either by a single coroutine function (see task field below) or a dictionnay, which contains the following fields:

  • task: the coroutine function to use

    See also

    task decorator

    the coroutine function will be called with the following keyword arguments:

    • context: the Context object shared by all the coroutines of the pipeline.

    • targets: an iterable containing the following coroutines in the pipeline (default is no targets).

    • debug: an optional name, used by task to get a child logger from the Context logger, which will be used to log error if an exception occurs. The exception will be logged at error level and the exc_info will be passed to the log record. The value will be accessible (and writeable) through attribute, which can be usefull for logging:


      logger = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.{}')


      Default value is the coroutine’s key in the pipeline definition (default will be used if value is None or an empty string).

  • input: (optional) set this coroutine as a ‘target’ of the coroutine(s) defined by input. input can be a single key or an iterable containing keys of other coroutines defined in the pipeline dictionnary.


    None value will be interpreted as the pipeline’s main input. No value or an empty list is equivalent as None if this coroutine is not specified as output of an other coroutine in the pipeline.

  • output: (optional) set the coroutine(s) whose keys are defined in output as a ‘target’ of this coroutine. output can be a single key or an iterable containing keys of other coroutines defined in the pipeline dictionnary.


    None value will be interpreted as the pipeline’s main output. No value or an empty list is equivalent as None if this coroutine is not specified as input of an other coroutine in the pipeline.

  • debug: (optional) a debug name to use in logging if an unhandled exception occurs. see above description.


specifying a coroutine by a coroutine function is equivalent as providing a dictionnary containing only the task field.


See also

task and coroutine decorators

given we have the following declarations:

def output(targets, **kw):
        while True:
            for t in targets:
                t.send('RESULT: {}'.format((yield)))
    except GeneratorExit:

def parse(ctrl):
    with ctrl as push:
        while True:
                value = ast.literal_eval((yield))
            except (SyntaxError, ValueError):

def mytask(ctrl, param):
    logger = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.{}')'starting task')
    with ctrl as push:
        while True:
            [...]'finishing task')
  • defining a pipeline composed of a single sequence:


    inp >>> a --> b --> c --> d >>> out

    here’s how we could define it:

    pipeline = pipeline.create({
        'a': parse(),
        'b': {'task': mytask(1), 'input': 'a'},
        'c': {'task': mytask(2), 'input': 'b'},
        'd': {'task': output, 'input': 'c'},

    the created pipeline is a Pipeline object, it can be run over any input generator using its ‘’ method, sending data to stdout by default.

    See also

  • define a pipeline with branches:


               +--> B --> C >>> out
    inp >>> A--|
               +--> D --> E >>> out

    here’s how we could define it:

    pipeline = pipeline.create({
        'a': {'task': A, 'output': ('b', 'd')},
        'b': B,
        'd': D,
        'c': {'task': C, 'input': 'b'},
        'e': {'task': E, 'input': 'd'},

    redoundant specification is not an issue, and the following example is equivalent to the previous one:

    pipeline = pipeline.create({
        'a': {'task': A, 'output': ('b', 'd')},
        'b': {'task': B, 'input': 'a', 'output': 'c'},
        'd': {'task': D, 'input': 'a', 'output': 'e'},
        'c': {'task': C, 'input': 'b', 'output': None},
        'e': {'task': E, 'input': 'd', 'output': ()},
  • join branches

    example: given we want to implement this:

               +--> B --> C --+
    inp >>> A--|              +--> N >>> out
               +--> D --> E --+

    here’s how we could define it:

    pipeline = pipeline.create({
        'a': {'task': A, 'output': ('b', 'd')},
        'b': B,
        'c': {'task': C, 'input': 'b', 'output': 'f'},
        'd': D,
        'e': {'task': E, 'input': 'd', 'output': 'f'},
        'f': F,
  • control branches order

    the order in which coroutines are initialized, called and closed is reproducible.

    to control the data flow order between several branches just use the keys in the pipeline definition, as they will be sorted, like in the following example:

               +--> (1) X --+
               +--> (2) X --+
    inp >>> A--+--> (3) X --+--> B >>> out
               +--> (4) X --+
               +--> (5) X --+

    here’s how we could define it:

    pipeline = pipeline.create({
        'a': A,
        1: {'task': X, 'input': 'a', 'output': 'b'},
        2: {'task': X, 'input': 'a', 'output': 'b'},
        3: {'task': X, 'input': 'a', 'output': 'b'},
        4: {'task': X, 'input': 'a', 'output': 'b'},
        5: {'task': X, 'input': 'a', 'output': 'b'},
        'b': B,

    the ‘X’ coroutines will be initialized and processed in the expected order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (they will be closed, if no exception occurs, in the opposite order).

  • loop back


    looping is currently not implemented and will raise a NotImplementedError when creating the pipeline.

    example: given we want to implement this:

               +--> B --> C --+         + >>> out
    inp >>> A--|              +--> N -- +
               +--> D --> E --+         |
                              |         |
                     +--> F --+         |
                     |                  |

    here’s how we could define it:

    pipeline = pipeline.create({
        'a': {'task': A, 'output': ('b', 'd')},
        'b': {'task': B, 'output': 'c'},
        'c': {'task': C},
        'd': {'task': D, 'output': 'e'},
        'e': {'task': E},
        'n': {'task': N, 'input': ('c', 'e'), 'output': None},
        'f': {'task': F, 'input': 'n', 'output': 'n'},


    defining a loop can end up in an infinite recursion , no control is done on this, so it’s up to the tasks implementation to handle this…

  • specify coroutines name

    in some contexts we may want to define a name for a coroutine which is different from its key.

    example: the previous example with ordered branches was:

               +--> (1) X --+
               +--> (2) X --+
    inp >>> A--+--> (3) X --+--> B >>> out
               +--> (4) X --+
               +--> (5) X --+

    here’s how we could define it:

    pl = {
        'a': A,
        'b': B,
       i: {'task': X, 'input': 'a', 'output': 'b',
           'debug': f"the X task number {i}"}
       for i in range(1, 6)
    pl = pipeline.create(pl)

make “partial” coroutines expected to be used with create.

task will create a “partial” function, which when called with args and keyword args will actually return a coroutine function designed to be used with create function.


a basic coroutine adding offset to input data could be defined as follows using task:

def offset(ctrl, offset):

    with ctrl as push:
        while True:
            value = yield
            push(value + offset)

    # will be executed unless an exception occurs in
    # the 'while' loop
  • ctrl will handle the GeneratorExit exception and log any unhandled exception.
  • the push method send data to the next coroutines in the pipeline.

the resulting function is called with the original function’s args and keyword args:

off = offset(offset=1)

off is a partial coroutine function expected to be used in a pipeline defintion with create.

the coroutine will eventually be created calling this new function with specific arguments depending on the pipeline specification (see create for details), ex:

# create the coroutine
off = off(targets=[t1, t2...])


as for coroutine, all the functions (partial or final functions) are wrapped using functools.wraps


def output(ctrl):
    with ctrl:
        while True:

def parse(ctrl):
    with ctrl as push:
        while True:
                value = ast.literal_eval((yield))
            except (SyntaxError, ValueError):

def offset(ctrl, offset):
    offset = int(offset)
    logger = logging.getLogger(f'{__name__}.{}')'offset: {offset}')

    with ctrl as push:
        while True:
            value = yield
            push(value + offset)'offset task finished, no more value')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    out = output()
    off1 = offset(10)
    off2 = offset(offset=100)
    parse = parse()

    # the previous results (out, off1, off2, proc) should
    # be used in the pipeline definition and the followings
    # should be performed by "create"
    out = out()
    off1 = off1((out,))
    off2 = off2((out,))
    parse = parse([off1, off2])

    with open('foo.txt') as inputs:
        for data in inputs:


See also

coroutine, create